Thanks to Blackfive for pointing to this wonderful combination of John Coltrane's music and visual imagery from Michael Levy.
Speaking of visual imagery, Jack at Random Fate points out that image processing is moving to a new level.
Hit and run drivers strike Mamamonteez (thanks Sgt B!) as well as Kermit of BubbasBog. Oh, and I like the sign Kermit has posted as well.
In addition to pointing out the item above, Sgt B also provides some thoughts on Discipline.
Meanwhile, Eric links to a different kind of wax job, Subliminal Koolaid gives a Silent Scream, and the Castle Armorer exhorts us to Get Back to Work. Make sure that you visit and read the whole thing - the eye candy at the end is great!
Thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at for continuing to tickle my funny bone each time he refers to the governor as 'Former Attorney General Christine Gregoire' ... heh!
Finally ... Graumagus has his own unique way of proving that there is a higher power. Heh! |