Law of Cat Inertia - A cat at rest will tend to remain at rest, unless acted upon by some outside force - such as the opening of cat food, or a nearby scurrying mouse. |
Friday, December 29, 2006
Feline Physics
Posted by
8:12 AM
Labels: Amusements
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
(After) Christmas meme
Hope you all had a good Christmas, enjoyed the gathering of friends and family, and ate plenty - but not too much. I'd love to blame the lack of blogging on the power outage on the 15th (which lasted 7 days for Casa Way), and the continued lack of internet until yesterday. But the loyal two or three of you who still visit know better - it's been a long time, hasn't it? Of course, I always rise to Meme bait, and thus I have emerged from the darkness. |
Posted by
9:30 PM
Labels: Amusements
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Peaceful Nature ... Me?
Me ... Peaceful? That'll make a few people laugh out loud!! I should go back and play with the questions to see what the other options are. AFSister is digging her result... |
Posted by
9:32 PM
Labels: Amusements
Monday, December 04, 2006
Why does this surprise me?
This is one of the real downsides to living in the pacific northwest. I'm surrounded by tree-hugging anti-war numbskulls who think that supporting Watada is somehow good for our society. December 5 * 7pm. Of course he's facing a court martial, dummies - he disobeyed orders. His personal history and 'reasons' are meaningless. The Army (and Marines, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard) don't function when soldiers disobey orders. Yes, I know, that part of their intent is to destroy our military. They might not be honest enough to say that, and their little poster boy here is supposedly willing to go to war in Afghanistan, just not in Iraq. But at the end of the day, they would love nothing better than to gut our military and have us all bow down to the terrorists of the world. I can't get down to Tacoma tomorrow night to join them, but some of the Operation Support our Troops folks will be there. If you can get to King's Bookstore in Tacoma, Jeff and the gang would love to have you join in protesting this bizarre event: You gotta be kidding! |
Posted by
10:13 PM
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