Thursday, June 14, 2007

Happy Birthday, US Army - and Happy Flag Day

This date has dual significance to US citizens. First, it is the 232nd birthday of the US Army.

Happy Birthday, US Army!June 14, 1775 - Recognizing the need to form a unified army to fight Great Britain, the Continental Congress creates the Continental Army and unanimously votes George Washington of Virginia as its commander. Organizing the army from the militia units gathered outside Boston, Washington led the Continental Army for the duration of the war. Following the Treaty of Paris in 1783, most of the army was disbanded. The following year on June 3, Congress authorized the formation of United States Army to take the place of its revolutionary predecessor.
(From About.Com : Military History)

Today is also Flag Day, in honor of which I offer you my own flag.

I'm working today, but I have a special event planned for Friday. If you're curious, the details are at the American Legion of Washington site. I won't actually be on base at Fort Lewis, just close to it. But I expect to get to meet 'n' greet some soldiers. If I get pics (and permission), I'll post them up this weekend. Hope you all have fun as well!

*** UPDATE ***
Yippee! I just found out that Walt Gaya will be at the golf event tomorrow, to take pictures. Yay! If that name doesn't ring any bells, you need to read Mike Yon's post Americans Among Us and Angels Among Us for lunch, and then read A Piece of Cake for desert. I will be honored to once again get to see and talk with Walt.