I found this picture at One Marine's View. This young Marine fought alongside his brothers, and saw things I am sure I can't imagine. He lost his hand, and may have lost fellow Marines as well.
Helping our wounded is what Project Valour-IT is all about, and the picture speaks in volumes much better than I can write. The best words I can share are from my blog-challenge teammates, like Gunn Nutt, and Sgt. B.
Our original inspiration came from Chuck Ziegenfuss, who I met through his blog From My Position. Chuck was wounded this past June, and is once again back at Walter Reed undergoing procedures to graft skin on his damaged arm. He has been able to blog, when he isn't under the influence of medications, by using a voice-controlled laptop. This led directly to the formation of Project Valour-IT.
So here we are - in Day 2 of the Blog Challenge, with a goal of $21,000, and a friendly rivalry to spur on the bloggers. As you can see in my sidebar, the Marine Team (headed by Soldiers' Angel - Sally Aho) has raised over $1800 - Whoo Hoo!!! That's barely ahead of the Navy team, and far behind the leading Army team, although happily leading the Zoomies.
Show your spirit! If you are a Marine with a blog, please join the team! If you don't blog and want to join, download the flyers (Thanks to the Armorer for hosting them!) and spread the word. Take some time to read down the Marine Team blog list in my sidebar - leave a comment to let them know of your support. Most importantly - Dig into your pockets and spread some green for this great cause, please.
In the words of my blog bro Sgt B, let's Get Some!!