Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Happy Birthday, Sgt B!

Actually, Sgt B would prefer this date to be thought of as the natal day of only his current incarnation, with the original birth day being on 10 November, 1775 ... Marines, gotta love 'em!

So go slap him on the back and wish him a Happy Birthday, maybe leave something nice in comments to help him celebrate. To get the party started, I'm sending over a few kitties to keep him company! Enjoy, Sgt B ... *grin*

Bad Cat Robot and I are doing the Happy Dance, knowing that we get to meet up with Sgt B, and with The Armorer and Lady of Castle Argghhh, and the wild Nor'easter Boston Maggie - and hopefully some other great gun-loving folks - this weekend at the Milblog Shoot! With a Castle Natal Day to celebrate, we should have a fine party!