Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Fusileers : Project Valour IT needs YOU

[This post is going to stay on top for a few days. Please scroll down for new posts.]

The Fusileers have been standing by since receiving Orders from Castle Argghhh! in the Tuesday dispatches. The Fighting Fusileers are being recalled to duty, to spread the word of a new way to help out the wounded troops.

Thanks to the inspiration of CPT Chuck Ziegenfuss, and the drive and hard work of Denizenne Fuzzybear Lioness, and Soldiers' Angels like Holly Aho and the amazing Patti Bader, there is a new segment of the Soldiers' Angels organization.


Project Valour IT
Voice-Activated Laptops for OUR Injured Troops

In memory of SFC William V. Ziegenfuss

Every cent raised for Project Valour IT goes directly to the purchase and shipment of laptops, software and equipment for the wounded servicemembers.

Currently we are forming "libraries" of laptops equipped with the voice-controlled software for wounded Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines at each major military medical center to check-out for a few hours at a time. In the next stage, a fully-equipped laptop will be provided to each servicemember for use throughout in-hospital recovery. Finally, copies of the voice-controlled software for use on home computers will be supplied to servicemembers who still need it as they leave the medical center.

There's much more at the Project Valour IT site, about the project and the need, and especially about the history behind the project.

Please go there, read about the project, and help in any way you can. These guys and gals deserve our help!

CPT and Mrs. Z