FbL has a great update on the Valour-IT blog - so far over $10,000 has been raised, and great things are starting to happen. The first 10 laptops are on their way, with 10 more to follow close behind. Soon these first laptops configured for voice control will be ready to match up with the wounded who need them.
She also has a great post at Fuzzilicious Thinking, reminding us that this project is about more than just a laptop.
Kat's Sunday update at The Middle Ground explains that her usual erudite writing has taken a back-seat to the cause. Most important, she reminds her readers that the project needs time as well as money - if you can donate your time, check out the type of support and skills that are needed.
Thanks to Michelle Malkin for mentioning the fund-raising efforts on her blog!
This project is for any one who truly wants to show support for the wounded servicemembers. Your political leanings aren't important, only your willingness to help.

Over 55 blogs are participating in the Fusileers effort to spread the word ... so far. If you have blogged on the Project, and would like to join the Fusileers - send me an email, or trackback to this post at Castle Argghhh!
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