Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Laugh ... or Cry?

Sometimes both...

Fuzzybear Lioness wants to know - Chocolate or ...

MSG Keith shares a few chuckles

SWWBO is firmly behind the Save Piglet movement

The Armorer provides distractions

AFSister has seen Elvis

Jack shares a quote about the other two percent

Kat points out that Piglet will have to be pried from her cold, dead hands

Erik has a tale of a shaved goat

Cassandra reminds us there are plenty of Manly Men

Alan is feeling just a bit bad (about the Yankees)

Neptunus Lex is celebrating his second blogiversary (as of Oct 07) ... wish him well, and ask for many more blog stories like the Rhythms series (part XXXII is up!).

Finally, check out what happens when Contagion of Miasmatic Review is forced to attend Sensitivity training ... and he's the only man in the class!!! I'm still laughing at this one :

After taking the personality test the instructors do not like when you enthusiastically shout out that you scored “perfect” for the “Dominant” personality.