Thursday, April 21, 2005

Good to Know...

How well prepared are you and your family for adverse events, whether it be from terrorist attack, or a chemical truck overturned on the highway near your neighborhood. Sgt B at the Gun Line points to a good resource you should consider reading, with real suggestions that you can use to prepare.

If you care about protecting your 2nd Amendment rights, Kat at The Middle Ground has a Blogburst today, in coordination with The Wide Awakes. Check 'em both out...

For today's installment of tidbits around the military world, check out the News You Can Use at Castle Argghhh.

I have several Milblogs that I love reading, many that I enjoy but don't get to NEARLY enough, and have wandered onto many others, then lost the links. What a joy it was, therefore, to find the Round-Up of Milblogs at Blackfive yesterday. Check it out, and if you know of a military blog that he doesn't have on the list - let him know in the comments!