Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Items of note...

There's a lot of goodies to enjoy at the Castle today...

A trio of TINS (TINSes?) from fly-boy Bill, who asks and answers the question who has the Worst Job, from several perspectives!

Meanwhile, John takes a moment to react to the reactions around the recent Papal selection, while pointing us to the latest travel adventures of She Who Will Be Obeyed.

If you belong to the Castle Denizen corps, don't miss the administrivia memorandum!

For that tiny percentage of us who live in Washington and care about the ongoing election circus, Sound Politics has the latest. Also, check out Michelle Malkin's site for a simple summary on Bogus Votes.

Added Items

Take some time to visit Jack of Random Fate, and read his commentary on being Trapped in a Prisoner's Dilemma with Fools playing a Zero-Sum Game. Then read it again, it can't be easily absorbed on the first try.

Heartless Libertarian helps us out with some simple math for those in King County who fail to grasp our concerns!


Matt at Blackfive has a detailed memorial to those lost in the crash of Chinook flight Windy Two Five, on April 6th in Afghanistan. Thanks, Matt...