Friday, June 17, 2005

Friday links (updated)

Wow! I have a celebrity in the family! Blog-sister Boudicca of Boudicca's Voice has entered her Hurricane Part III post in the Carnival of the Vanities, which is hosted this week by Mister Snitch.

For today's serving of history, make your way over to Castle Argghhh!, where John dishes it up with a topping of cannon p0rn!

Meanwhile, Frank J at IMAO has done another fine job with these Fun Facts about Amnesty International, in the Know Thy Enemy series. Here is just a sampler...


* Amnesty International was co-founded by Eddie Amnesty and Louie International, and it was named after their fathers.

* It started out as more of a fight club, but eventually, as always happened, it evolved into an organization that tries to free political prisoners.

* Oh, and they don't like America executing murderers. Hey, our murderers,
our choice.

* I think technically they're against people being executed in other countries for simply practicing their God given rights, but why make a fuss?

* Amnesty International is still petitioning God to get a full account of the conditions in hell and what His trial process is.

[Use link in the title to read the complete list]


I accidentally-on-purpose forgot one of my commitments for today ... *sigh*

That crazy gal Katy, over at The Grass Isn't Greener has this weekly Self-portrait Friday thing going. I was all set to play this week, had pictures of my adorable little self as a child ...

But, NO, she had to Change the Format! She wanted pictures of us Right.After.Waking.Up ...

Well, I'm lucky to get myself out the door in the morning with the routine stuff, like keys, laptop, employee badge, deoderant, etc. Changes in routine - not happening for me!

SO, I scanned my stockpile of goofy pics, and found one that I am offering as a suitable replacement ...

Shoes Attacks
Shoes Attacks!!